Spread Word & Influence Action, Meaningfully

December 2, 2020

Looking at how information circulates quickly through the Internet, hot topics are hot topics no matter which part of the world we live in and we are now more exposed to the same issues and experiences regardless of where we come from. In 2020, these are three trending topics discussed, shared, and actioned, across the world: 

#KitaJagaKita [i.e. We Look After Our Own]

It is one of the top trending hashtags on social media in Malaysia. The hashtag was started when COVID-19 quarantine was enforced across the country as a show of solidarity and unity among Malaysians, and as a source of inspiration and encouragement during one of the toughest times Malaysia has had to experience. Normally paired together with the hashtag #dudukrumah (i.e stay home), the #KitaJagaKita hashtag also serves as a reminder for Malaysians to stay home and continue to adhere to safety protocols to curb the spread of the virus.

Image taken from The Leaders Online

Similarly, in the UK, #ClapForCarers is a social movement created as a gesture of appreciation for the workers of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) and key workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Black Lives Matter

What started as a hashtag on social media (#BlackLivesMatter or #blm) in 2013 turned into a social movement in the US that advocated for non-violent civil action in protest against violence towards black people. 

Image taken from The World

The cry for justice spread across the globe and the world showed support by using the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter or #blm. Twitter recorded the use of these hashtags at an average of 3.7 million times a day since George Floyd was killed. As a result of this movement, Black Lives activists was also inspired to release Campaign Zero to encourage policymakers to focus on 10 policy solutions with the strongest evidence of effectiveness at reducing violence.


The movie was the most tweeted about movie during the Oscars in 2020 - with more than 1.6 million tweets worldwide! A social satire about two families - the poor Kim family and the rich Park family - the movie made cinematic history when it won four Academy Awards including the most prized award of the year, Best Picture.

Image taken from Time Magazine

Parasite’s runaway success marked a pivotal turning point for foreign language films, especially Asian ones, in America. In Korea and elsewhere, a new crop of Asian filmmakers is working hard to ensure that Parasite isn’t just a momentary bout of glory but the start of a new era in film.

As global topics are now local topics, what are the important issues we need to collectively discuss? And how can we use our platforms and channels to spread word and influence action, meaningfully?

Hear what teachers, parents, and thought leaders from around the world have to say about global issues in education that are becoming increasingly local, at Leaps of Knowledge: The Heart Series.

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